Send documents
What to send?
The Unia Unemployment Fund will look into your entitlement for unemployment compensation. To enable us to pay out your benefits, you must submit the necessary documents in good time!
In the first month of your unemployment we need
- Unterhaltspflicht gegenüber Kindern «Antrag auf Arbeitslosenentschädigung» (Application for loss-of-earnings compensation, in German / in French / in Italian)
- Copy of your registration details
- Employer’s certificates for the past 2 years (form entitled «Arbeitgeberbescheinigung»)
- Copy of notice of termination from the last employer
- Copy of contract of employment
- Copy of salary statements
- Copy of your bank or post card
And also, if applicable:
- Form on child maintenance obligation Unterhaltspflicht gegenüber Kindern
- If you have come to Switzerland from an EU/EFTA state: PD U1 form
- Copy of valid residence permit if you do not have Swiss citizenship or a settlement permit
At the end of each month
- «Angaben der versicherten Person» (Information on insured person: this form will be sent to you by post each month by the Secretariat for Economic Affairs)
And also, if applicable:
- Bescheinigung über Zwischenverdienst (certificate for temporary employment, if you were on a temporary employment contract)
- Bescheinigung über die Erwerbsausfallentschädigung (certificate for loss-of-earnings compensation if you were on military and civil service)
- Bescheinigung über den Bezug von Kranken- und Unfalltaggeldern (certificate on drawing sickness and accident benefits)
- Arztzeugnis (doctor’s certificate)
- Bescheinigung Kinderbetreuung (childcare certificate)
- Copy of certificate of job market measures (if you have attended a course)
Where to send?
Send your documents to the scan centre responsible for your region (not to your payment centre!). You can find the addresses of all scan centres here:
Regions Zürich-Schaffhausen and Eastern Switzerland
Unia Arbeitslosenkasse
SC [Zahlstellennummer]
8010 Zürich-Mülligen
Regions Bern, Biel-Solothurn, Oberwallis, North-West Switzerland, Aargau and Central Switzerland
Unia Arbeitslosenkasse
SC [Zahlstellennummer]
Postfach 3386
3001 Bern
Regions Vaud, Fribourg, Valais, Genève, Neuchâtel et Transjurane
(only for letter post. For other matters contact your payment centre)
Unia Caisse de chômage
SC [numéro d’office de paiement]
Case postale 1479
1001 Lausanne
Region Ticino and Moesa
Unia cassa di disoccupazione
SC [numero dell’ufficio pagamento]
Casella postale 6545
6901 Lugano 1